Base Converter

Bas class of all converters.

class benker.converters.base_converter.BaseConverter

Bases: object

Bas class of all converters.


alias of

convert_file(src_xml, dst_xml, **options)

Convert the tables from one format to another.

  • src_xml (str) – Source path of the XML file to convert.

  • dst_xml (str) – Destination path of the XML file to produce.

  • options

    Dictionary of parsing/building options.

    Common parsing options:

    encoding (default: “utf-8”):

    XML encoding of the destination file.

    OOXML parser options:

    styles_path (default: None):

    Path to the stylesheet to use to resole table styles. In an uncompressed .docx tree structure, the stylesheet path is word/styles.xml.

    Common builder options: (none)

    CALS builder options:

    width_unit (default: “mm”):

    Unit to use for column widths. Possible values are: ‘cm’, ‘dm’, ‘ft’, ‘in’, ‘m’, ‘mm’, ‘pc’, ‘pt’, ‘px’.

    table_in_tgroup (default: False):

    Where should we put the table properties:

    • False to insert the attributes @colsep, @rowsep, and @tabstyle in the <table> element,

    • True to insert the attributes @colsep, @rowsep, and @tgroupstyle in the <tgroup> element.

    Formex4 builder options: (none)


alias of benker.parsers.base_parser.BaseParser