Formex 4 to CALS converter


The convert_formex2cals() converter is a function designed to convert tables from an Formex 4 document (which respects the schema defined in Formex 4 format) in the CALS table format.

The conversion is done in the source XML document by replacing the tables of the Formex 4 format with those transformed in the CALS format. In other words, the general structure of the source XML document is retained except for tables.

The Formex2CalsConverter converter is composed of:

  • a FormexParser parser that allows you to parse tables in Formex 4 format,

    The tutorial Formex 4 tables parser describes the usage of this parser and gives some examples.

  • a CalsBuilder builder that allows you to build tables in the CALS format.

    The tutorial CALS tables builder describes the usage of this builder and gives some examples.

Conversion options

The tables parsing and building can be parameterized using the options described below:

Common parsing options:

encoding (default: “utf-8”):
XML encoding of the destination file.

Formex parser options:

formex_ns (default None):
Namespace to use for Formex elements and attributes parsing. Set None (or “”) if you don’t use namespace.
cals_ns (default None):
Namespace to use for CALS-like elements and attributes parsing. Set None (or “”) if you don’t use namespace.

CALS builder options:

cals_ns (default: None):
Namespace to use for CALS-like elements and attributes to generate. Set None (or “”) if you don’t want to use namespace.
cals_prefix (default: None):
Namespace prefix to use for CALS-like elements and attributes to generate.
width_unit (default: “mm”):
Unit to use for column widths. Possible values are: ‘cm’, ‘dm’, ‘ft’, ‘in’, ‘m’, ‘mm’, ‘pc’, ‘pt’, ‘px’.
table_in_tgroup (default: False):

Where should we put the table properties:

  • False to insert the attributes @colsep, @rowsep, and @tabstyle in the <table> element,
  • True to insert the attributes @colsep, @rowsep, and @tgroupstyle in the <tgroup> element.
tgroup_sorting (default: ["header", "footer", "body"]):
List used to sort (and group) the rows in a tgroup. The sorting is done according to the row natures which is by default: ["header", "footer", "body"] (this order match the CALS DTD defaults, where the footer is between the header and the body. To move the footer to the end, you can use ["header", "body", "footer"].

Examples of conversions