CALS to Formex 4 converter

New in version 0.5.0.

class benker.converters.cals2formex.Cals2FormexConverter

Bases: benker.converters.base_converter.BaseConverter

CALS to Formex 4 converter


alias of


alias of benker.parsers.cals.CalsParser

benker.converters.cals2formex.convert_cals2formex(src_xml, dst_xml, **options)

Convert CALS 4 tables to Formex tables.

  • src_xml (str) – Source path of the XML file to convert.
  • dst_xml (str) – Destination path of the XML file to produce.
  • options

    Dictionary of parsing/building options.

    Common parsing options:

    encoding (default: “utf-8”):
    XML encoding of the destination file.

    CALS parser options:

    cals_ns (default None):
    Namespace to use for CALS elements and attributes parsing. Set None (or “”) if you don’t use namespace in your XML.
    width_unit (default: “mm”):
    Unit to use for table/column widths. Possible values are: ‘cm’, ‘dm’, ‘ft’, ‘in’, ‘m’, ‘mm’, ‘pc’, ‘pt’, ‘px’.

    Formex 4 builder options:

    use_cals (default: False):
    Generate additional CALS-like elements and attributes to simplify the layout of Formex document in typesetting systems.
    cals_ns (default: “”):
    Namespace to use for CALS-like elements and attributes (requires: use_cals). Set None (or “”) if you don’t want to use namespace.
    cals_prefix (default: “cals”):
    Namespace prefix to use for CALS-like elements and attributes (requires: use_cals).
    width_unit (default: “mm”):
    Unit to use for table/column widths (requires: use_cals). Possible values are: ‘cm’, ‘dm’, ‘ft’, ‘in’, ‘m’, ‘mm’, ‘pc’, ‘pt’, ‘px’.