CALS to Formex 4 converter


The convert_cals2formex() converter is a function designed to convert tables from an CALS document (which respects the schema defined in CALS table format) in the Formex 4 format.

The conversion is done in the source XML document by replacing the tables of the CALS format with those transformed in the Formex 4 format. In other words, the general structure of the source XML document is retained except for tables.

The Cals2FormexConverter converter is composed of:

  • a CalsParser parser that allows you to parse tables in CALS format,

    The tutorial CALS tables parser describes the usage of this parser and gives some examples.

  • a FormexBuilder builder that allows you to build tables in the Formex 4 format.

    The tutorial Formex 4 tables builder describes the usage of this builder and gives some examples.

Conversion options

The tables parsing and building can be parameterized using the options described below:

Common parsing options:

encoding (default: “utf-8”):

XML encoding of the destination file.

CALS parser options:

cals_ns (default None):

Namespace to use for CALS elements and attributes parsing. Set None (or “”) if you don’t use namespace in your XML.

Formex 4 builder options:

use_cals (default: False):

Generate additional CALS-like elements and attributes to simplify the layout of Formex document in typesetting systems.

cals_ns (default: “”):

Namespace to use for CALS-like elements and attributes (requires: use_cals). Set None (or “”) if you don’t want to use namespace.

cals_prefix (default: “cals”):

Namespace prefix to use for CALS-like elements and attributes (requires: use_cals).

width_unit (default: “mm”):

Unit to use for column widths (requires: use_cals). Possible values are: ‘cm’, ‘dm’, ‘ft’, ‘in’, ‘m’, ‘mm’, ‘pc’, ‘pt’, ‘px’.

Examples of conversions