

A Styled object contains a dictionary of styles.

It is mainly used for Table, RowView, ColView, and Cell.

>>> from benker.styled import Styled

>>> styled = Styled({'text-align': 'justify'}, "body")

The representation of a styled is the representation of its dictionary of styles:

>>> print(styled)
{'text-align': 'justify'}


A Styled object has the following attribute:

  • styles is the user-defined styles: a dictionary of key-value pairs. This values are useful to store some HTML-like styles (border-style, border-width, border-color, vertical-align, text-align, etc.). Of course, we are not tied to the HTML-like styles, you can use your own styles list.


    The style dictionary is always copied: in other words, key-value pairs are copied but a shallow copy is done for the values (in general, it is not a problem if you use non-mutable values like str).

  • nature: a way to distinguish the body cells, from the header and the footer. The default value is “body”, but you can use “header”, “footer” or whatever is suitable for your needs. This kind of information is in general not stored in the styles, even if it is similar.

    Tables can also have a nature, similar to HTML @class attribute, you can use it do identify the styles to apply to your table. For tables, the default value is None.


    In a Grid, the merging of two natures is done by keeping the first nature and dropping the second one. In other words, the resulting nature is the group of the most top-left nature of the merged cells.

Example of styles initialisation and shallow copy:

>>> css =  { 'border-style': 'solid', 'border-width': '5px'}

>>> one = Styled(css, "body")
>>> one.styles['border-width'] = '2px 10px 4px 20px'
>>> two = Styled(one.styles, "body")
>>> two.styles['border-width'] = 'medium'

>>> css
{'border-style': 'solid', 'border-width': '5px'}

>>> one.styles
{'border-style': 'solid', 'border-width': '2px 10px 4px 20px'}

>>> two.styles
{'border-style': 'solid', 'border-width': 'medium'}